Equine clinic

The equine clinic of the Oniris Veterinary Hospital offers equine owners (horses, ponies, donkeys) and referring vets a specialist service for diagnosing and treating equine ailments.

The team is made up of 15 equine vets, including a number of specialists: a vet with a diploma from the European College of Equine Internal Medicine, two vets with a diploma from the European College of Large Animal Surgery, a vet with a diploma from the European College of Reproduction and a vet with a diploma from the European and American Colleges of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. It also includes hospital practitioners and assistants, as well as residents (veterinary surgeons in the process of specialising).

The equine clinic offers consultations in all disciplines, surgery, hospitalisation and an emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as well as training the equine vets of tomorrow (5th year and 6th year equine specialisation students as well as interns and residents).

The technical facilities include a wide range of cutting-edge imaging equipment (video endoscopes, gastroscope, on-board endoscope, several ultrasound scanners, digital radiography with flat sensors, etc.), orthopaedic surgery and soft tissue surgery (arthroscopy column, laparoscopy, therapeutic laser, etc.), enabling us to provide a high-quality, expert service in the following areas:

  • Internal and sports medicine
  • Néonatalogy
  • Surgery (soft tissues and Orthopaedic)
  • Anaesthesia – Pain management
  • Locomotor pathology
  • Dentistry
  • Emergency and intensive care
  • Reproductive pathology (specialised consultations and foaling follow-up, gynaecological follow-up, artificial insemination and embryo transfer, sperm collection, etc.)
  • Medical imaging
  • Autopsy diagnosis

The equine clinic of the Oniris Veterinary Hospital has 50 hospital boxes (including several intensive care boxes and mother/foal boxes), 5 consultation rooms, 2 surgical blocks with 4 sleeping/waking boxes, a round pen for orthopaedic examinations, a reproduction centre and an isolation building for contagious animals.

Horses can also stay in individual paddocks and grassy meadows overlooking Parc de la Chantrerie and the River Erdre.

The clinic can also take in small ruminants and domestic camelids (llamas, alpacas) on request.

Make an appointment

+33 (0)2 40 68 78 52
Monday to friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Emergencies 24/7

+33 (0)2 40 68 78 52
Outside office opening hours:
On-call mobile: +33 (0)6 74 93 76 97
Hospital: +33 (0)2 72 20 29 35